When you need an alternative way to settle your family and custody disputes and avoid the trauma and high costs associated with litigation ...
Alternative Dispute Resolution
Joseph Bluth is a qualified neutral under Rule 114 of the Minnesota Supreme Court and conducts Family Law and Custody Mediations, Social and Financial Early Neutral Evaluations (SENE/FENE) and Moderated Settlement Conferences. He is also certified by the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers to perform arbitraitions and is ALI-ABA Trained as Federal and State Special Master and Consensual Special Magistrate.
In Southern Minnesota / Lake Minnetonka Metro
Providing family mediation, ENE & ADR Services throughout southern and southwestern Minnesota & the Lake Minnetonka metro area.
Important Notice & Disclaimer
Viewing this website, sending information or using any information provided herein does not create a mediator-client or attorney-client relationship with Mr. Bluth or his firm.